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Updated Covid-19 Announcement – 17 July 2020

Scientific representation of the corona virus

The below statement is a message from and its parent company Events Travel’s founder and director. Covid-19 has had and continues to have a profound impact on the travel industry . The industry’s survival depends entirely on long-term trust and healthy relationships enjoyed between agents and their clients. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding golf, travel and the future.

Dear Fans,

All current travel packages within our sites and are available to book now or as e-mail registration for priority access when released.


If an event is cancelled, postponed or held spectator free due to COVID-19, customers can use any payments made as a credit towards the rescheduled or following years event with added benefits OR receive a refund less our standard booking fee. Full details are available within our Booking Terms and Conditions


These policies ensure that you can book your Event Package, Golf Package or Escorted Golf Tour with confidence and reassurance.  For ticketed events we always allocate priority seating based in the order of booking date.


Once we learn about a Tour or Event status change all existing clients will be advised of their options.  At the latest, this will be 60 days before the Event or Tour unless advised earlier.


If you have any questions about a particular Tour, Event Package or about our policies please feel free to contact any of our team, who look forward to speaking with you soon….yes we will take your call!


The silent enemy is persistent as we push through 2020 towards 2021.  Despite current uncertainties, I can personally assure you that we have undertaken considerable cost-saving measures during this time, and we have sufficient liquidity in our businesses to work through a prolonged period of potential downturn despite the freeze on global markets due to Covid-19. We have a team of dedicated staff currently developing forward products and our reservations crew are busy managing client’s needs and preferences. 


Our long-standing travel industry experience, our market position and our strong balance sheet backed by tangible assets position us well for the future, despite Covid-19’s ravaging effects on global travel.


Take care, stay safe and we will get through this together.  We are here and at your service.


Glenn Hedley

Founder & Director

Events Travel & Voyages.Golf


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