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USA Wins Presidents Cup 2022

Presidents Cup entry

Team USA has won the Presidents Cup over Team Internationals 17 1/2 to 11 1/2 on Sunday 25 September 2022 at Quail Hollow Club in North Carolina.

After a Saturday rally for the International Team, it was not enough to overcome a dominant US team with all American players higher in world rankings than their International counterparts. The score going into Sunday was USA 11, Internationals 7. The International Team is comprised of players from any country except the USA, Europe and the United Kingdom.

First Hole Presidents Cup Crowd
First hole at Presidents Cup Saturday Round 3. Shot by team.

Whilst team USA had an extreme advantage with the home venue, US-dominant fanbase and a much more experienced team, Saturday at the Presidents Cup saw the Internationals demonstrate their grit as a team of mostly rookies. Countries represented include Australia, Colombia, South Korea, South Africa, Chile and Japan.

Both teams suffered late setbacks with various players defecting from the PGA Tour to the new LIV tour backed by Saudi Arabia. Despite last-minute replacements, both teams demonstrated a level of camaraderie throughout the four-day tournament that rivalled the Ryder Cup. With the next Presidents Cup hosted on Team Internationals’ soil, it is expected to bring a higher level of competitiveness across the board.

Crowds Presidents Cup 2022
Presidents Cup 2022. Shot by team.

When is the next Presidents Cup?

The Presidents Cup occurs biennially (every two years) with 2022 returning the tournament to even years after a one-year delay due to Covid-19 in 2021. Each edition of the tournament is hosted by alternate countries between the International Team and the USA. The next event will be in 2024 at Royal Montreal Golf Club in Canada. See more information and join the waitlist to attend this event now.

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