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SentryWorld To Host 2023 U.S. Senior Open

Birds-eye-view of colourful flowers on the sixteenth green at Sentryworld Golf Club

The USGA has announced Wisconsin-based golf course SentryWorld will host the U.S Senior Open in 2023. 

SentryWorld is known for its colourful flowers shaping some golf holes around the clubhouse, as well as picturesque scenery throughout. The Golf Course is two and a half hours northwest of Wisconsin’s capital Milwaukee, and 120 minutes northwest of Whistling Straits golf course, host of the 2021 Ryder Cup. Designed by Robert Trent Jones Jr, SentryWorld Golf Course has a parkland design and was commissioned in 1982 as a deveopment by Sentry Insurance. The complex incorporates an indoor sporting centre complete with restaurants in what is seen as a massive boost to the local Stevens Point economy. The 2022 event is at Saucan Valley Country Club in Bethlehem, PA.

Multi-coloured garden flanks a golf hole at Sentryworld Golf Club
SentryWorld Golf Course Wisconsin. Image source: Sentryworld Golf Club.

SentryWorld Golf Course was selected by the USGA to host the 43rd U.S. Senior Open in 2023 to showcase the area’s extraordinary beauty. The golf course is no stranger to USGA events; it hosted the 1986 U.S Women’s amateur, and the 2019 U.S. Girls Junior Championship. The U.S. Senior Open is the most prestigious event to come to SentryWorld yet. 2023 will be the 17th time Wisconsin has hosted a USGA Championship.

The U.S. Senior Open was first staged in 1980, and is open to any golfer over the age of 50, any amateur or professional with a Handicap index not exceeding 3.4. Steve Stricker won the 2019 event at Notre Dame’s Warren Course with a six-stroke victory. This year’s event will be played at Omaha Country Club in Nebraska.

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