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Established in 1993 as Events Travel, over the years we’ve been selling travel packages to sporting fans and boutique golf experiences for discerning travellers all over the world. Since we developed in 2018, we have watched the sport enjoy a healthy renaissance with the passing of Covid-19. Discover our history and see what our small but highly focussed team has accomplished.

Year Month Tour / Event
1993 - Present April The Masters
July The British Open
September/December The Presidents Cup - From 1994
2010 March New Zealand Golf Cruise (Charter)
2011 November Vietnam Golf Cruise (Charter)
2015 April USA Golf Tour + The Masters
2016 October The Great South African Sport Safari
2018 February South Africa (Rovos Rail Charter)
2019 April US Masters Golf Tour
July The Open Golf Tour - Portrush
Covid-19 Covid-19 Covid-19
2022 April Hawaii Golf Tour
July The Open & Scotland Golf Tour
August Fiji Golf Week
September Presidents Cup Golf Tour
November New Zealand Golf Tour
2023 February Tasmania Golf Cruise (Charter)
April The Masters + Scottsdale & Vegas Tour
July The Open (Royal Lytham & St Annes) & England Golf Tour
August Fiji Golf Week
September/October Rugby World Cup Golf Tour
2024 February Queenstown Golf Week (NZ)
March Vietnam Golf Tour
April Japan Golf Tour
July The Open (Royal Troon) & Scotland Golf Tour
August Fiji Golf Week
September Canada & Presidents Cup Golf Tour